Welcome to the Center For Health Consumer Ethics and Evidencebased Gender Health Care:
A JBI Affiliated Group

In cooperation with the JBI Entity at the University of Adelaide, Australia, we as DGHCE have established a German-speaking JBI Collaboration Entity. Thus, we became a member of one of the most important global networks for evidence-based health care, the JBI Collaboration.

Main Focus

The Center for Health Consumer Ethics and Evidencebased Gender Health Care is committed to health ethics and evidence-based gender healthcare.

Particular attention is paid to gender as a health-related topic. Gender-specific health problems are still a social taboo.

In order to find further answers, the underlying facts and moral aspects must be seriously summarised and sensibly evaluated.

The JBI Affiliated Group is located at the Chair of Social and Technical Ethics of the Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (HSU/UniBwH) in Germany,  and its clinical partner is the Medical Centre for People with Gender Variants in Lucerne, Switzerland. It is a kind of German-Swiss “joint venture.”

Why “JBI”?

JBI is driven to improving health outcomes in communities
globally by promoting and supporting the use of the best
available evidence to inform decisions made at the point of care.
This work begins and ends with the needs of those working in and
using healthcare services.
JBI responds to their questions and provides high quality, reliable
information that is pragmatic and useful where it counts. This
information is based on evidence that is feasible, appropriate,
meaningful and effective to specific populations and settings.
JBI achieves this by working with universities and hospitals
from across the globe through the JBI Collaboration. In doing so
JBI ensures that the research evidence we seek to synthesise,
transfer and implement is culturally inclusive and relevant across
the diversity of healthcare internationally.
JBI promotes and supports the sustainability of improved
healthcare practice and health outcomes globally by developing
and delivering a range of unique evidence-based resources,
software, education and training.

"We see a significant opportunity to promote the JBI methodology in German-speaking countries and to anchor it in the medical science community. There is an urgent need for JBI methods to become part of the agenda of German-speaking health networks"

To this end, we conduct  research and communication projects, offer training courses, and have established strong partnerships.